Tuesday, June 20, 2006

foot workout

"it aches in every bone, i'll die alone, but not for you" - seether (remedy)

i like to workout. okay so it's more like when i'm in the mood and on a roll, i really like to workout.

last nite i was working out at home with my free weights. there's nothing like working out in the privacy of your own room and at your own time. except when you encounter a lil mishap...

let's just ponder this equation:



not so fun.

what happened to me was that my free weight fell on my foot. yowza! major ouchie!

i bruised and couldn't walk properly the next day. but i'm guessing that i should be okay since if i broke something it should probably hurt a lot more.

still it wasn't fun. and trust me, my free weights aren't the wussy kind. they've of the pretty heavy very non-wussy variety.

i guess i should be thankful that it wasn't my even heavier free weight that fell on my foot.