happy birthday to me
"another year older, a little bit stronger, a little bit wiser" - delta goodrem (a year ago today)

happy birthday to me. i'm 26 this year.
i always said that turning 25 was like opening the door to the mid 20s. turning 26 means that the door is slammed shut behind you.
for bout a week now i've been doing some thinking. re-evaluating my life, you could say. i think some things need to change, some things i need to get a move on and some things hopefully will always remain the same.
it's kinda scary to think that i'm no longer that young anymore to get away with the thinking that i have my whole life ahead of me. well in a way i do 'coz it's not like i'm old... but it's just that i'm not that young... well i guess it's not too late to start again...
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