"she's falling down, it feels like a paisley shade of pink" - dexter freebish (falling down)
they say that you never forget your first time...
first time you fall in love... or maybe just the first time you fall...
i had my second rollerblading class yesterday. and i fell for the first time. well actually i fell for the first and second time.

the ironic part was that i wasn't even rolling along. i was just standing there. and then all of a sudden, out of the blue i just fell. twice. within a span of 5 minutes.
in rollerblading, you're taught to fall forward onto your knee guards and wrist guards. but it happened too fast for me to react and natual instinct took over. and let's just say that they should have butt guards as well.
the first time i fell it wasn't that bad. i was able to get back on my feet and ready to carry on. the second time was just too much. and my bruised butt begged me to stop.
now i have a huge ass bruise on my... well... ass...
the only other bruises i've had that could rival this one was from the time i was paintballing in perth.
well i guess now that i've gotten the whole first fall thing outta the way, it's time for me to get back onto the horse and try again.
next week that is...
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