Saturday, December 31, 2005

new year resolutions

"life is only as good as the memories we make" - the ataris (so long, astoria)

there's a reason why i don't do new year resolutions.

as 2005 comes to a close, i'm in one of my usual year end nostalgic moods thinking bout how the year has been, what happened, what i've done, what i didn't do.

okay so right now it's more of what i didn't do.

i haven't really made a new year resolution in years. ever since i realised that in all probablility, i was probably not gonna actually follow through with it. something bout the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak theory.

so answer me this... why on earth did i sorta make a new year resolution for 2005?

my new year resolution was to register for driving (yeah yeah shocker but this girl doesn't have a license...). yes, register. i thought if i said learn driving that might be pushing it. so i went for the safer route... register. even then i didn't manage to fulfil that. in fact i forgot bout it entirely for the most part of the year. it only occured to me in the last week. but somehow i still couldn't quite get my lazy butt over to the driving centre to register.

and for some strange reason, it's sorta bothering me that i didn't fulfil my one and only resolution for 2005... my first resolution in years.

well while discussing this with the other jo, we've decided that 10 working days into the new year is still considered the previous year. the rule according to the 2 jos. you can't deny that.

but just to be on the safe side, i'm making it my 2006 resolution. a re-resolution of some sorts. and yes, it probably is still register haha! okay maybe i should be a bit more ambitious... what bout to complete my basic driving theory test?


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