i wanna be back in europe
"don't stop me now (yes i'm having a good time), i don't wanna stop at all" - queen (don't stop me now)
i know that i've been neglecting this blog for quite a while but i've been away.
yes, just a month after my hong kong and macau trip, i took yet another trip. this time i ventured a lil further and a lil longer... like say europe for 2.5 weeks...
it was a great trip. i went to france, a bit of switzerland and london. i had a fabulous time. i mean it's europe... how not to have a fabulous time?
france is big on wine... and they have every right to be. so we went for some wine tours and tastings in bordeaux.

and it so happened that there was a fete le vin in bordeaux which basically just means a wine fair.

gotta love bordeaux. it's such a lovely place.

we also went for some champagne tours and tastings in reims, the champagne region of france.

but it wasn't all drink... there was food too...

and of 'coz one of the best parts of going to europe during the world cup is when the world cup is being held right in europe. oh the atmostphere was amazing. and i wasn't even in germany. but the french are obviously really excited whenever france plays a match and it's just crazy. people dress up in their colours and roam the town waving flags and beeping their horns.

and besides all that, of 'coz the sights were lovely.

i really wished the trip was longer... it's not exactly the best to be back home and back to reality. but oh well at least i managed to get a nice break.