Tuesday, May 15, 2007

a nut in a nutshell

"i spent so long trying to fit the prototype, kept a stick in the gears and i never got it right" - amy studt (misfit)

i know it's been ages. but lately i just haven't been feeling like writing.

so what has been going on in the world of jo?

well a whole lot.

but in a nutshell there's been exams. there's been a new job that's stressful and fast paced. there's been a new change in hair color.

i've officially gone orange. and i do believe that just bout completes my foray into all colors of the rainbow.

so i got tagged by cindy...

i'm supposed to state 6 weird things bout myself and then tag 6 friends. since i don't even have 6 friends here, whoever wants to can do it.

1. i like hair colors not found in nature

that should be pretty evident haha!

2. i require music to function and am lyrically obsessed

i have to search for lyrics of every song that i like. and i'm usually pretty quick with remembering 'em

3. i like to eat sliced tomatoes, eggs, carrots etc in pairs

and no, seeing one slice and then cutting 'em into two does not work

4. i've been known to have an appetite that can sometimes rival certain men's

there's an infamous story that my ex boss man likes to tell bout me ordering a huge plate of noodles while all the guys at the table ordered a small plate

5. i can't stand to see my food alive and then later dead on my plate

i guess fishing and prawning is out. unless it's catch and release. that said, i'm a meatasaurus

6. i joke to my mom bout what to write on her orbituary

i'm just a lil warped like that. but she has a sense of humor. gotta love her.


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