Saturday, October 21, 2006

ode to the hair

"everyone asks me, who the hell is she? that weirdo with 5 colours in her hair" - mcfly (5 colours in her hair)

no matter where i go, i get a lot of stares. it’s not my face, not my dressing, not even my walk to the beat of justin timberlake’s sexyback (i’m kidding… i don’t strut… i think… haha!) no siree. what is gaining all the stares is my hair.

the hair

the hair gets a lot of attention. it can generally stop traffic. haha! in fact the hair is practically a separate entity of its own.

everywhere i go people notice it. i guess it’s kinda hard not to notice it. not when it’s short (which in itself stands out in a world full of long haired girls), flicky and streaked with some bold colour not found in nature. at least not found in nature as far as hair colours go but certainly in nature with colours of blue-green, blueberry, forest green, lime green and raspberry.

my friends are always amazed at the hair. most even wished they had the guts and chance to do the same. i’ve even had a fair amount of strangers come up and compliment me on the hair. but i don’t do it for the attention. though don’t get me wrong, that’s actually pretty nice sometimes. and it’s not even bout mustering up the guts. for me, the hair is just so me. it’s totally something that i would do. the hair suits me. it sorta brings out that punk rocker in me.

but the hair takes work. granted it’s not as high maintenance as one would think. but it definitely takes some maintenance. i don’t exactly fall out of bed looking like that. no way. hair product has to be put in and the hair flicked. weekly touch ups keep that bold colour bold. work.

and i’m fortunate that my work doesn’t mind my outrageous colours. i think my boss secretly wonders what colour i’ll come up with next. it’s certainly a conversation starter… even for other people.

"you’ve got a girl in your office with *blue / green / purple (*insert appropriate hair colour of the moment) hair!"
"yep we do"

but sad as it is, eventually the hair will probably have to change to a more sedate and widely accepted colour. i would probably run out of colours soon. or perhaps a new future job wouldn’t be so open-minded. though i would sure love to walk into an interview with the hair and when asked what i can bring to the company, say "colour!" with a cheeky smile.

the hair might even one day be less short and flicky and slightly longer (only slight ‘coz i just looove short lengths) with no need for hair product. just wash and go.

i wonder if and when that time comes, will anyone still notice me? or will i fade into the background. into oblivion. just another normal girl in the crowd.

maybe then i would have to learn to rely on my face, dressing and a walk to the beat of justin timberlake’s sexyback (darn i have to learn how to strut? haha!) in order to get anyone to look at me.


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