new year, new start
"i hope that days come easy and moments pass slow, and each road leads you where you want to go" - rascal flatts (my wish)
oh it's the start of another year. how time flies. where did all the years go?
i went for my church's youth group's countdown party. it was touching, it was inspirational, it was just amazing. truly a great way to end an old year and begin a new one. a lot of things happened and didn't happen in 2006. but above all what i'm most thankful for is that i ended the year feeling a whole lot better than when i began the year. and now i'm heading into 2007 with a sense of hope and excitement. better things are in store for this year! i can just feel it...
and in a good start to the year i decided to learn cycling from a few friends.

okay so it's not that i have never cycled in my life... my childhood isn't that deprived... i just say that i can't cycle 'coz i'm so bad at it that essentially i can't actually cycle. but my friend was nice enough to lend me a nice spare mountain bike that was lying around in his house and some protective armour (helmet, elbow guards, forearm guards, knee guards and shin guards. seriously i was probably more armoured than russel crowe in gladitor) and off i went. okay so off i didn't exactly go... but i did actually manage to cycle a bit. my balance and confidence still needs work but overall i (and my patient coaches) were happy at my start at re-learning cycling. and i didn't even fall. well tomorrow is gonna be my next try. i hope i do even better... and not fall.
girl! I miss your entries. You have to blog more often! ~ Christy
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