Sunday, March 18, 2007

first race report

"and i can see my life is waiting, now i know i'm living for who i am" - smile empty soul (who i am)

i survived my first race.

all 8km of it... okay well the exact distance was 7.3km but who's counting haha!

my timing was bout an hour which isn't all that great but given the surgery and then a recent bout of illness which left me outta running commision for 3 weeks, i suppose i'm reasonably happy with it all.

most of all it was indeed an achievement.

i have never ever run 8km (or really 7.3km) before. and i admit that i was really worried. the beginning 2.5km of the run was relatively easy. but by the time i hit the loop at possibly 4km, i was starting to really feel it and slowed down considerably to walk. bear in mind that my usual runs are 4km. the rest of the run was tougher. the hot sun shining was tiring me out and my legs were starting to ache. in between walking it out, the running took all my prayers and mental endurance.

but when i neared the finish line, i darted in and out of other runners and sprinted my way through.

despite some physical pain, the feeling was amazing. i felt almost euphoric.

i made it. that's all that matters.

and i can't wait to make it even better in more races.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


"so little time, so much to do, i rather spend my days with you" - arkana (so little time)

time seemed to just fly by... i didn't realise that it has been this long since i last updated here. i guess i kinda got caught up with trying to juggle the things on my plate effectively.

a few good friends based overseas came home for a holiday, so of 'coz i had to meet up with 'em. then there was the usual work which started to get busier... and school and assignments... then i fell sick... and then it was my really good friend's hen's night and wedding... it was just all round busy busy busy...

but i guess despite it all, i did have some fun. though not in the work or school sense. but it was great getting to see my good friends based overseas and just to catch up with 'em face to face.

and of 'coz my really good friend's hen's night and wedding were fabulous.

there's something bout seeing the friend that you've known since you were 15 get married. i got all nostalgic. thinking bout the time when we were sitting next to each other in class and how we've all grown up now. time just flew by. and now she's gone and married a great guy and i'm just so happy for her. and it was an honor to be part of her big day, helping her out. the wedding touched me so much that i teared... oh well i'm just a sap at weddings...