Finding My Way Back To Sanity Again
...though i don't really know what i'm gonna do when i get there...
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Monday, November 28, 2005
reflections from the other day
"and i'm the first to admit it, i'm sure i upset someone, but my memory has chosen to omit it" - the darkness (one way ticket)
it's amazing what a skirt can do...
i'm not much of a skirt girl. instead i tend to favour jeans and pants. but once in every say 4 months or so, i feel the urge to wear a skirt.
so the other day, i was in one of those 4-month rotation urges to wear a skirt. and it's crazy how that works.
a few of my male colleagues noticed and commented, asking if i was going on a date. er... no... but i was going for my friend's birthday celebration... and i think the skirt went well with the birthday boy 'coz he had some nice compliments. nevermind that later i think i sorta managed to make him upset. but 'nuff said bout that...
so my point is simply this... i don't really think it's the skirt per se. i mean yeah i know that apparently guys like girls in skirts and all that feminine stuff which is all well and good... but my take on this is that it's bout change.
now take the reverse as an example. let's say if i were all bout skirts with only a 4-month rotation in jeans or pants. the day i don't turn up in a skirt, everyone is gonna comment.
this holds true even for hairstyles. if you wear your hair down all the time, try tying it up for once and see the comments roll. and vice versa.
or if you're usually all gothic punk rock chick, try being the sweet, preppy, girly girl next door in pink. heck try cross dressing even... that might be fun.
shake things up a lil.
however this doesn't work for those chamelone like people... after a while too much change doesn't really have any impact anymore...
Thursday, November 24, 2005
happy thanksgiving!
"i want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life" - dido (thank you)
of all the holidays that we don't celebrate here, thanksgiving is the holiday that i wished the most that we celebrated.
there's just something bout thanksgiving... besides the yummy turkey and cranberry sauce... it's just that warm and fuzzy family and friend feeling. it's a feel good holiday.
it's also a great time to sit back and think bout all the blessings in life... of which i give thanks for.
i thank God for my family... for all the support, care and concern they've shown me... even when sometimes it may have been a lil too much care and concern...
i also thank God for the friends in my life... the ones who are overseas, the ones who have left for overseas, the ones going to leave for overseas and the ones who are still here even if they don't always contact me.
i'm reminded that with thankfulness, it's not just bout being thankful for the good stuff... but it's also bout being thankful for the not so good stuff as well.
it hasn't always been easy but i'm thankful that i'm still surviving, living and learning...
and now that the sap is done... let's bring out the turkey...
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
gender bending chicken little
"girls who are boys, who like boys to be girls" - blur (girls & boys)
lately work has really been crazy busy.
but everyone needs a breather sometimes. and for me and my colleague, it is watching chicken little dance. whenever we decide that we need some stress relief, he plays this video and we both laugh. it just tickles us to no end and we find it hilarious.
but the real question that's on my mind is is chicken little a boy or girl?
i'm taking a poll on this. so far my colleague thinks chicken little is a girl. and my guy friend thinks that chicken little is a boy.
so what do i think?
well honestly i thought that chicken little was a boy 'coz of that rooster thingy on top of chicken little's head. but then i'm not too sure 'coz i think storybooks call chicken little a she.
but then zach braff is the voice of chicken little in the movie. and he's a guy so shouldn't chicken little be a guy?
then again brad bird was the voice of edna mode in the incredibles. he's a guy... but edna's a girl... er... at least i think so...
so that means that the gender of the voice of the character may not be telling of the gender of the character itself.
oh how confusing.
and yes, i might be the only one who actually even thinks bout this kinda stuff... haha!
Friday, November 18, 2005
colleagues and friends
"i knew i had you as a friend and that's all that mattered in the end" - lastpagefirst (song for you)

just the other day i found myself mentioning a colleague in a random new sorta social setting. nothing too surprising since from time to time i do mention my colleagues. but what is more surprising is what i actually called my colleague... i called my colleague my friend.
this kinda got me thinking... when does a colleague become a friend?
no doubt that we probably see our colleagues a lot more often and for longer spans of time than our friends. and seeing someone so often and at such length usually involves some personal life sharing at some point.
okay let's take me for example. there are some colleagues that i'm closer to than others. i'm not the world's most open person. my friends can attest to that. but i do share certain stuff with some of my colleagues.
so does that mean that since i share part of my personal life with 'em on a regular basis, they are regarded as my friends?
ordinarily i wouldn't have thought so... and yet i've called colleagues friends before... it doesn't quite add up does it?
in some cases it's more straightforward. in fact, a good friend of mine was actually an ex-colleague. and another friend (the one who recently moved to work overseas) that i hang out with at times was also sorta an ex-colleague. and i used to hang out with another ex-colleague though we have sorta lost contact by now. so it's suffice to say that i do not have any problems hanging out with colleagues and getting to know 'em on a more personal friendship level. in fact sometimes i actually want to get to know 'em on a more personal friendship level 'coz there's so much that you can't uncover during office hours.
but not everyone is all that open when it comes to friendships between colleagues. maybe it's a misconception. maybe nobody really suggests hanging out after work or whatever 'coz everyone just assumes that everyone else has their other friends to hang out with. or maybe it's that segregation between business and pleasure. i don't know.
but back to my question... when does a colleague become a friend? is it after some time of sharing such that you feel like you're getting a feel of that person better? or is it when you guys hang out after work? or is it when you start sharing really personal stuff?
i'm beginning to think that for me, it might be when i'm starting to get a feel of that person better. the more i talk to someone (and i'm talking bout non work related stuff here) and if i think we're getting along is what i use to determine a colleague-friend. joking, laughing and teasing is good. and it's even better when it's lil private jokes. i'm all bout the lil things... even things as seemingly insignificant as what food the other person likes or dislikes interests me. i'm weird like that. but of 'coz the big things are important too... so sharing of big important stuff is cool... but yeah well like i said, i'm not the world's most open person... so i can't say that i share the big important stuff with a whole lot of friends ... must be trust and commitment issues or something.. but that's a different story entirely...
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
"and day dreamed about how to make your life better by leaving town, leaving town" - dexter freebish (leaving town)
moving away. drifting apart.
i just hate all of that...
recently it seems like i've had to deal with an all too large number of good friends leaving me or bout to leave me. and they aren't just leaving for a short span of time... they are leaving for an indefinite amount of time... be it getting married, working overseas or just plain migrating.
it's hard...
but i guess life is like that. there are always changes. that's inevitable.
i guess i just wished that it didn't happen all at the same time... it makes it harder to deal with... and definitely makes it lonelier...

Wednesday, November 09, 2005
heart warming
"and if i fall through these nights i can't seem to go on, just a sign that you're with me gives me the strength to hold on" - amber pacific (if i fall)
so i'm home today sicky poo and on medical leave.
on my way home from the doc's, i saw a dad sunning his baby downstairs my block. just looking at that big grown man looking lovingly at the tiny lil baby in his arms just warmed my heart. he was standing in the hot sun just for his child.
that's a father's heart isn't it?

Saturday, November 05, 2005
sunset over the ocean
"in the light of the sun, is there anyone? " - augustana (boston)
water. the life sustaining source.
crashing waves just have a way of calming me. and also making me feel that there are things out there bigger than myself.
sunset. vivid colours of orange and red dimming to darkness.
i'm someone who prefers the sunset to sunrise. and that's not just for the logical reasoning that chances are i would probably be deep in slumber during sunrise... haha! but a sunset shows that no matter how good or bad the day was, it'll all come to an end.
the sun gives way to the nite.
and finally you can rest.
now combine both large masses of water bodies and a sunset and you'd get a sunset in augusta over the indian ocean that i had the priviledge of witnessing in my recent trip to south western australia.

Friday, November 04, 2005
to know the me you may not know
"push me away, make me fall, just to see another side of me" - trustcompany (downfall)
writing is therupatic.
i've long been using this medium to express myself. sometimes there's just no better way. to see the thoughts in my head come alive through my words.
words are my satisfaction.
there are other reasons as to why i've started this blog but we will just leave it as that.
that writing is therupatic.
so welcome to jo's world.
you've been warned...