oh to still be single
"look a little like a deer in the headlights, a little blind a little hypnotized" - sr-71 (politically correct)
when you're almost 26 and still single, you're a source of some really great concern among family and friends. and i've been reminded bout that a great deal the last few days.
it started with my mom telling me that she was thinking of ordering this oh-so-cute baby blanket and something bout wanting to learn handicraft for her future grandkids. er... yes, mom... i'm single. i don't even know who i'm gonna marry much less have kids with.
and then it was lunch with my colleagues where we always talk bout all kinds of weird things... including an interesting conversation which consisted of quizzing an almost 29 and single male colleague from across another table. poor fella. he must have felt put in a spot with all the lights on him... much like a deer in the headlights. but he was a real trooper... answering our perhaps 'intrusive' questions and giving funny answers. always good times. especially when he seemed to be partially traumatised by the whole experience haha!

but men just have it easier. they aren't considered old. they're considered mature. as for ladies, you're probably a lil past your shelf life by the time you hit 30. life's unfair like that.
I made sure that my family knew, from my teen years on, that I was probably not going to get married. I was pretty dead set on being single and wanted everyone to know up front. I was lucky in that my family took me seriously and didn't press the marriage issue. In fact, one of my uncles applauded me for it. I wasn't pressed for children, either, because, even now when I have become engaged, I'm still not planning to have children. They've always known that, something that makes me glad, looking at what you and other female friends are going through.
MY issue, though, came from complete strangers, people I met who didn't really know me. "Oh, not dating? Shouldn't you be getting ready to have those kids? No kids? Marriage then? No? Oh." *stranger looks at me strangely and wonders if I'm either a lesbian or a militant feminist* (I'm neither.)
It IS easier for men in general, I agree, but some men have mothers who are pressing them a LOT to "settle down" and "have kids for me". Meh to the lot, I say. Enjoy your singlehood and, if it is your choice, stay that way as long as you'd like. I'm surprised that I actually found someone I could fall in love with and even want to marry, to be quite honest with you. I'm pretty opinionated and, well, have you found many guys who are okay with that? *winks*
I hope things work out as you want them to. I wish for you happiness of your own sort. I have a friend who was dying to find a boyfriend and get married until last year when she decided she didn't really care (she was then 24). Her mom can't get a handle on that and is pressing her for grandkids. My friend's brother is getting married a week before I am but...still...and I'm not sure how much my friend wants to have kids anyway, even should she get married.
Being single is the time to "get ready" to be married...and who's to say when someone is ready enough or not? Bah to them!
(By the way, thanks for dropping by my blog. I put up a link to the Jeopardy! theme if you'd like to hear it. I look forward to reading more here. Thanks!)
we're only considered mature because it takes us so much longer to 'wise up'.
i cant tell you how many times ive been told how woman 'mature' so much younger then men do. ha!
"Past my shelf life?" I don't think so! Everything, and I mean EVERYthing, has gotten better as I've gotten "past my shelf life." Don't worry, it's not all bad after 30. Or 35. Or 40. In fact, it's not bad at all....
-and old SportyChick (just a hair past 40) who has finally finally come in to her own.
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