pitter-patter of (not so) little feet
"i swear i've been here before, i've walked up and down this lonely corridor" - for felix (been there done that)

it was such that recently another one of those situations presented itself in the washroom. you know the kind of situation where you accidentally run into a colleague you get along pretty well with in the washroom.
this time when it happened, my colleague mentioned that she had guessed it was me even though she was in the cubicle when i entered. in fact i myself have had some pretty spot on guesses of my own with various colleagues. not that i spend countless of times in the cubicle listening to everyone's footsteps and trying to guess who it is.
so the conclusion is that there is a distinctive sound that everyone's footsteps make. it's an accumulation of the sound of familiar heels (or non heels), the shuffle in a walk, the swishing of pants or skirts and the general rhythm of walking.
it's something that goes by easily unnoticed, but if you pay attention, you could probably guess a few more distinctive footsteps. and what better place than the washroom where you're relaxing in the cubicle... afterall isn't the acoustics in the washroom supposed to be better?
not that i spend countless of times in the cubicle listening to everyone's footstepts and trying to guess who it is.
this brings a whole new meaning to my favorite phase "walk to your own drumbeat".
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