"have i got a long way to run" - collective soul (run)so i've mentioned
before that i like to workout. i go to the gym (or at least i try my best to...) and do bodycombat classes, use the machines (only the easy-to-figure-out ones 'coz the fierce ones are for the big boys), lift free weights at home and do that lovely 8 min ab workout. but what i don't do is run.
sure in the last year i've attempted to run around my block a few times and though i don't consider myself to be unfit, after 15 mins of running, i'm just bout ready to throw in the towel and crawl back home.
but yet the idea of a triathlon fascinates me. nevermind that this girl doesn't actually cycle. so i guess that might be out...
my friend is joining a 10km run in december and for some strange reason i'm almost considering to actually join.

but i can't run...
the last time i actually ran was almost 10 years ago. and it was 5km after which i had shin splints and was outta commission. 10km? that's practically ridiculous. and you know how people say that it's a mind thing, yeah i don't agree entirely. i mean i can feel that i can't feel my legs...
i don't know... i haven't decided. i'm just toying with the idea and the pain haha!
well i guess thank goodness it's not the half or full marathon right?